Theological Method

Theological Method

How does God relate to the issue before us?

*Be committed to reaching truth regardless of previously held beliefs
*Define the words being used carefully and clearly
*Don’t assume you know it all
*Be rational and use clear logical steps in addressing the issue
*Accept that you may not reach a definitive answer and that that is okay
*Allow for different views in your group because we are all different and no one has a monopoly on absolute truth
*Be willing to graciously revise belief if there is a good reason
*Use your Biblical Tools to contexualize scripture:  ask what it meant then what it means
(Loosely adapted from Thinking  Theologically by Dr. Fritz Guy)

Biblical Tools

What tools can we use to learn more about what Scripture says about this issue?

Concordance:  Free associate words that are connected to the issue to find direct and indirect references in the Bible.

Commentary:  Check the relevant passages of scripture with what scholars have learned about it; compare their findings with your own thoughts on the passage.

Versions of the Bible:  Compare different translations of the Bible on key passages in case there are important differences that give you insight.

Articles and Books:  Use your library and online resources to see what others have learned about the issue.  Remember their’s is only one point of view – you must decide for yourself what you believe to be true.

Group Democratic Method

How can we solve this problem effectively as a group?

*Speak respectfully but honestly
*Encourage all to share their view
*Discuss issue thoroughly before coming to a consensus or voting
*If consensus is not possible on particular points or the issue agree to disagree respectfully and move on
*When the vote is taken respect the process as imperfect but useful
*Vote your conscience but be sure it is a properly informed conscience



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